Friday, September 12, 2008

a lost hope

On friday (12th Spetember 2008), 3 people got arrested under the ISA.detained includes Raja Petra Kamaruddin of Malaysia Today, Seputeh MP Teresa Kok and Sin Chew Daily reporter Tan Hoon Cheng. There were detained for reasons the government feel can threatened the unity of Malaysians. and also the news where Tan Hoon Cheng reported in Sin Chew Daily last month where an UMNO politician, Ahmad Ismail, made a racist remark calling Chinese Malaysian's as squatters and immigrants that don't deserve any equal more about it on Kenny Sia postings about the story here

now lets do a comparison on the 4 people "wrong-doings"

Raja Petra Kamaruddin - Made headlines for remarks and secrets on top government officials and reveal secrets about their wrong-doings.also made seditious comments and other issues that touched the sensitivity of Malaysians.He made those comments on, which was subsequently been blocked.

Seputeh MP Teresa Kok - accused of an appeal to a mosque in Kinrara to lower and soften the loud speakers during prayers as it is too loud

Sin Chew Daily reporter Tan Hoon Cheng - Reported the controversial remark made by UMNO politician Ahmad Ismail calling Malaysian Chinese squatters and immigrants during a political ceramah in Permatang Pauh.

Ahmad Ismail - called Malaysian Chinese squatters and immigrants.provoked the anger among chinese with his seditious remark but still refused to apologise for the remarks saying that what he said are video below. here's the deal.The Malaysian law defines ISA as the followings (based on Wikipedia)

Section 73(1) Internal Security Act 1960: "Any police officer may without warrant arrest and detain pending enquiries any person in respect of whom he has reason to believe that there are grounds which would justify his detention under section 8; and that he has acted or is about to act or is likely to act in any manner prejudicial to the security of Malaysia or any part thereof or to maintenance of essential services therein or to the economic life thereof."

Section 8 ISA: Power to order detention or restriction of persons. "(i) If the Minister is satisfied that the detention of any person is necessary with a view to preventing him from acting in any manner prejudicial to the security of Malaysia or any part thereof or to the maintenance of essential services therein or the economic life thereof, he may make an order (hereinafter referred to as a detention order) directing that that person be detained for any period not exceeding two years."

Who should be detained under ISA?




A blogger for making seditious remarks and postings that will threat national security?A Member of Parliament for requesting the Muslims to lower down the speaker volume during prayers?A reporter reporting racial remarks merely because she was just doing her duty as a journalist?orrr....a politician making racist remarks calling Chinese in Malaysia squatters and an American Jew??

Im sure by now you all know what has happened over the week to these 4 individual.but what saddens me is this. A reporter was detained under ISA just because she was reporting a news story of a politician making racist remarks. and Member of Parliament voice out concerns by residents in her constituency over loud speaker.Clearly, these 2 individual are just doing their job.just like you and me.and the best part is, they didn't cross over the line until they can cause disruption and racial fights in Malaysia.and no one make a big fuss out of what they did.

On the other hand, a blogger has kept on constantly making remarks that has caused disturbances and uncertainty in Malaysia.Although many of the things he state were true in reality, our government denied this allegations and gave him warnings over and over again.until one fine day, he got caught and the government gave him free food free lodging. Although he went over the line, it must be remembered that what he says is true.and many things his stated has don't all over the place saying things that has no evidence and reliability right?

and finally, a politician in Penang has made remarks calling chinese squatters and said we dont have any equal rights here.well, he got suspended from his own poilitical party for 3 years.and still he wanna tua lampa on the news saying he wont say sorry, saying that the chinese should apologize to him bla bla bla.well...lets go back to the definition of ISA

Section 73(1) Internal Security Act 1960: "Any police officer may without warrant arrest and detain pending enquiries any person in respect of whom he has reason to believe that there are grounds which would justify his detention under section 8; and that he has acted or is about to act or is likely to act in any manner prejudicial to the security of Malaysia or any part thereof or to maintenance of essential services therein or to the economic life thereof."

Clearly, he has created in a serious manner prejudicially causing disturbances and racial anger among chinese that could provoke the chinese to fight against him.His remarks has threaten Malaysia's security by causing a potential of another May 13 incident.

and also "any part thereof or to maintenance of essential services therein or to the economic life thereof."he made the allegation that the chinese has been controlling and manipulating the economy when he said we're like the American Jews and demand us to stop doing so and to give back the rights to the Malays.and also, he has accused all chinese political parties for bringing up the matter and call us "trouble-makers" even worst he has spark the anger and dissatisfaction among the chinese. and he ask Gerakan and MCA to leave Barisan Nasional if they don't like what he said and claim what he says as "the truth, reality of life" well, Badawi should know well that if really Gerakan or MCA leaves, Pakatan Rakyat will entice them to join them.and when this happens, they get a bigger majority in the government and can topple them. but sadly, Badawi ^^

so..who do you think should be thrown in to ISA and be given free food and free lodging?after all, this free food and free lodging are from the taxpayers money.

how fuck up is this country?

Malaysia Boleh

Malaysia Truly Asia

ISA anyone?

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