Monday, July 21, 2008

2 months

its been 2months since we've last met.and i hope you're a happier person now.things has changed huh?ever since our last meeting, i've been busy abit here and was my finals.was in a dilemma back then..but thank God i had her by my side.She gave me strength and gave me lots and lots of encouragement and lift up my spirits.Such a good should know her.. but I guess you will never get to know her.

I've finally understand my true self, seek my true identity.The feelings i had was amazing.the best i ever had...perhaps.Maybe it was all fated round and round.But you don't believe in fate. Remember you said that i'm your first and last?those words melt my heart so much everytime you said it.

Its 2 months are you doing?wow!time flies by so fast.and so much has happened.I dont even know where to start.but things are different now.its soo much different when we're together.Its been much quieter and lonelier now.Maybe im used to telling you every single little bitsy details about everything and anything.remember how i told you about my journey back to Wangsa Maju?That was long.. Altho it all happened within 30minutes.But now, i've got no one to turn to and talk about.So i went there.I walked around.

The other day, I went up to the place we used to go everytime. Just wanted some day off going somewhere far far away alone.I didn't know where to go. We used to decide our destinations together. And you said "i'll go where ever you go"

So there i was.going to all the places we went there.It brought back all the memories of yesterdays.It felt good and sweet.You used to earn a living there to remember?and i will go up every now and then to meet you and stay overnight.Those were the days.Even Ah Yang said i'm crazy going there.And i laughed quietly in my heart.The last time we went was when??my birthday?tho was a simple celebration, i will cherish it all my life.I love what we did on my celebration.Sorry that i dozed off when you were singing my birthday song.Sorry that i dirtied your white pants.

But those days are now gone.Time cant be chased back.After all has happened.Whats done cant be undone.I guess the glass has fallen and broken into pieces.It broke into so many pieces, I dont even know which is which.I cant fix it.neither can you.what happened?im feeling miserable thinking about you.I wished you could one day come back into my arms.And I promise you at that moment, I'll never let you go ever again.

But guess its the end of everything to me.

I miss you dearly.Pls come back =(

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