Friday, April 11, 2008

malaysian drama series

I've been browsing through the features and applications available in this blog page.Im trying to adapt myself to new things from time to time. Its 5.30am now.Its been days i've been sleeping like this.I sleep at 6-7am and then wake up weee late in the evening.My day has become my night and night become my day.Gotta change the sleeping habit!!For the past few hours, i was watching a few episodes of a Malaysian chinese drama titled "The Beginning". Its definitely one of the best local chinese drama i've ever far as i can remember.Never thought local series will be that good.for the past few years, i never really had the interest to watch malaysian drama as it's dull, boring, so un-interesting and so list goes on..we Malaysians have been soo glued to foreign series and movies until we over-looked our own local series.The malays love to watch Indonesian, Indian, Mexican, Spanish etc drama.Chinese likes TVB drama's, taiwanese series and singaporean series. Indians on the other side loves their very own Hindi series from India.

Why is this happening in Malaysia??Is the quality of our own series suck that bad?Few years back, i agree so.but if you have been watching your own tv, you would have noticed that Malaysian series has becoming better and better.Try watching these series i recommend you. The Beginning, Where The Heart Is, Ghost, Table for Two. Although this are just a few series to mentioned, im soo glued to it i never miss any of each episodes. It came through my mind that "Damn!!never thought that such series will be soo addictive and interesting to watch!"I have to agree that not all Malaysian series are 'locally" made.Coz the production members are mostly from our very "friendly" neighbour..Media Corp Of Singapore.But bare in mind that these are all locally made series.And now you would have wondered why our local series is that of such quality to par with those in Singapore, Taiwan, etc. You would have noticed and recognised that Malaysian chineses series have the same story line and style as those across the Causeway.But you have to understand, this are home grown made Malaysian series.And all story lines depicts the life of many Malaysians..divorce, third party, corruption, sex, family in-fightings etc etc. Its so real that it totally reflects Malaysians life.Try finding a Malaysian that doesn't.

Its time to change our views and thought of Malaysian series.ya ya i agree that foreign dramas and series are still better compared to those made in Malaysia.Although our series are not totally made by Malaysians, it still deserves to gain respect and recognition by us, we MALAYSIANS. This is Buatan Malaysia you know!show support to our own locally made production!!yes that we have the assistance of foreign productions such as Media Corp, but think of it.Why can we actually have our own national car Proton?remember its roots, Proton began by the help and nurture of Japanese automotive makers.Without their help, we wont be driving the Wira, Satria etc.But as a developing nation, we need to help and guidance of others to move on.Im not saying that we don't have our own ability and skills.know the malay proverb "jika tiada angin bertiup, bagaimana pokok akan bergoyang?"

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